The first meeting if the eaTABLE Supper Club was a success. If I said any more it'd be bragging, so I'll let Stacey tell you all about it. Click HERE to read the Fertile Ground review.
Click HERE to read about the wine that Michael Hughes selected for the dinner.
Also leave me a comment and let me know if you'd like to be involved in the eaTABLE Supper Club movement.
got here from Fertile Ground looking for more food porn... and i wasn't disappointed! Memphis is a bit too far away to try to get myself invited to dinner :-) Did you make the paletas yourself? --JoAnna
Everything was made from scratch: local ingredients when available, organic when available.
popsicle recipe:
Wow, Vegetarian food sure is sexy! I would so love some info about the next event.
Sounds amazing. I'd also be interested in more info about getting involved.
Oh yeah, I heard about this book on NPR more than a year ago. I'd love to get involved. My husband & I live in Nashville, but have friends in Memphis who would probably be interested...they'd at least let us crash on their couch!
Good job. That food is sexy.
Glad y'all are interested! Stand by; we are working on the next date for one of these this summer!
We would love to be involved in eaTABLE events, especially if they are vegetarian-friendly!
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