- cut leek into approx 1/4 inch disks
- separate disks into individual rings by pushing at the center of each leek disk
- float rings in a bowl of water for ten minutes, then remove making sure not to stir up the dirt at the bottom of the bowl. this is the easiest way to wash them.
- dry rings on a paper towel
- toss rings with a spoonful of flour to coat
- work in batches to fry the tiny rings
- they are ready when they are golden. they only need to cook for about a minute.
Use these tiny onion rings to top just about anything: burgers, hummus, enchiladas........

It is me again just checking your updated site
The goat cheese looks good.
How come you do not post the recipes on your site? Are you writing a book?
I just updated mine too.
Check it out when you have time
I think I have some stuff on there that you would like
I make up as I go and I create everything from scratch.
I am a food developer so it is my job to think outside of the box.
I plan to do a cookbook soon but I do not think ppl would buy it because I have so many Caribbean style recipes in it.
I need to become more mainstream so that the North American public takes my work more seriously
I am like u too I just make up so now I take my pad to the kitchen and write down quantities so that I can replicate my dishes again.
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