Here is what we are going to do with our time. The Wife and I will spend a few minutes talking about our experience as enthusiastic home cooks and the meaning of food in our lives. Then I will go over some easy ways to vegetarianize some of your favorite family recipes, and take questions on that subject. However, most of our time together will be spent cooking. We will go through some hearty, healthy recipes step-by-step as we talk about the ingredients and techniques for each. I plan on doing at least three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. We will also create a menu for a special occasion, and go over some tips for creating a fast, healthy lunch or dinner.

I can not wait. Feel free to post any questions or requests that you have right here. I will answer them as completely as I can.
In the meantime, I'll Leave you with some photos of what happens when I get carried away in the kitchen. Up top you see a Caramelized Fennel Tart with Easter Egg Radishes, and an English Pea Puree. To the left you are looking at a creation I made after visiting the Winchester Farmer's Market. I call it Coconut Black Thai Rice With Ginger-Brazed Bok Choy and Tofu served in a cracked white coconut.
See you soon!
That tart sounds fantastic; I really enjoy the characteristic taste of fennel! Best of luck on your class :)
hey--how come we're just now finding out about this?
I am signed up and looking forward to it. Do we need to bring anything - pen and paper for all the good stuff we want to remember?
bring a pen. i'll have recipe sheets for you.
We are going to have fun!
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