I needed a quick veggie fix this afternoon. Believe me when I tell you that I had no time to be cooking, but I was able to whip up this batch of veggies and rice in no time at all thanks to my new friend ponzu. Ponzu is a citrus-tinged soy sauce that makes everything it touches delicious. I chopped some carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, purple cabbage, a few small sweet peppers from the farmer's market, and celery, and then added some sweet peas to the mix. I poured 3 tablespoons of sesame oil into a pan and allowed it to get hot. I tossed my veggies in the oil, and then added 2 tablespoons of ponzu. When my veggies were just about done, I threw in a cup or two of cooked rice. I transfered the rice and veggies mix to a plate and toped with chopped spring onions. It is better than take-out and much better for you.
My favorite part of this picture (aside from how delicious the food looks) is the steam rising off the plate.
My favorite part is the last time you were talking about ponzu you danced and sort of bounced up and down. Really, like a little kick step in the middle of your kitchen.
-bianca (the sister-in-law one)
Hmmm...I'll have to try this ponzu stuff. Where do you get it? Viet Hoa?
Oh, and I finally went to the giant Winchester Farmer's Market. OMG! That place is huge and I found VEGAN POCKY!
some question as bianca - I have not been able to find at viet hoa but maybe I'm not looking inthe right place. Ever used Yuzu?
I just googled and found out that yuzu is the citrus flavor in ponzu, so in a round about way i have used it. I got my now empty bottle of ponzu at the winchester farmer's market. there is one problem. it contains corn syrup which is a no-no for me, but i made a small exception here. I'd love to find a more natural ponzu. be on the look out, and share if you find someplace that carries it.
Hi there- I highly recommend Myron's sauces. You can find out about them at www.chefmyrons.com, and the Ponzu doesn't have corn syrup. I've found his sauces at WholeFoods and anywhere else in MA, but you can also order online. Also, "Myron's Fine Foods is committed to donating a portion of our net profit to efforts which restore and preserve the Earth's natural resources." Always cool. Hope you try and enjoy!
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