Once you have the dumplings formed and cooked, you can serve them with any sauce that you'd serve over pasta. The only boundary is your creativity and adventuresomeness. I chose to serve my gnocchi this time with a garlicky parsley and walnut pesto.
Microwave Gnocchi:
2 cups peeled, cubed potatoes
1 tablespoon water
2 medium eggs (beaten)
1 cup semolina flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
Place potatoes and water in a microwave-safe bowl with a lid (or a plate) to cover. Microwave on high for 8 minutes, then allow potatoes to rest, covered, for another 8 minutes in the microwave. Next, mash potatoes with a potato masher and then add the eggs, flour, and salt. Mix with your hands until just mixed. Pat dough out to about 1/2-inch thickness on a floured surface. Using a pastry cutter or knife, cut dough into roughly 1/2-inch rectangles. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil; cook gnocchi for 2-3 minutes. When they are done, they will float. For extra flavor and texture, sear the drained gnocchi in olive oil before tossing them with the sauce.
Good gnocchi are really hard to find at a restaurant.
Couple that with my only attempt at making gnocchi several years ago (complete starchy disaster) and I seldom get to enjoy one of my most favorite dishes.
I am so excited about this recipe, I will be trying it out soon.
One quick question - Can you amend your recipe to include the type of potato you would recommend using?
For real? Microwave gnocchi? Awesome idea!
Just stay away from waxy potatoes and you'll be fine. Yukon gold works great!
Pretty little pillows :)
p.s. Did you know 3 Angels Diner also serves gnocchi sometimes as a special?
I too had a starchy mess the one and only time I tried to make gnocchi -- will try again with your instructions because this is truly my idea of 'comfort food'.....yum.
btw...I really enjoy your blog.
If you wound up with a starchy mess most likely you overworked the dough. Try cutting down the amount of egg and flour and only knead lightly.
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