"This tastes like greasy bacon," I heard from across the table. Indeed it does, I thought to myself as I downed another piece. This smoky treat was a great addition to whole-wheat biscuits and folded eggs on a lazy Sunday morning. There was a time when I made breakfast similar to this every morning, but now that it's a rarity it seems like even more of a treat. So, If you've never had eggplant for breakfast, then it's time to treat yourself to it now. Make extra --this stuff would be great on vegetarian BLT or on top of your favorite veggie burger or pimento cheese sandwich.

1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/8 cup sesame oil
brown sugar
black pepper

Over a medium flame, heat vegetable and sesame oil in a frying pan until you see the oil shimmer. Dredge the strips of eggplant in the flour. Pan-fry each strip of eggplant in the oil for about 3 minutes per side or until golden. Remove strips and palace on a paper towel or paper bag to drain. While strips are still warm, sprinkle each with a little brown sugar, black pepper, and a little hickory smoked sea salt. This will give your "bacon" the old familiar smoky, salty, sweet triple-punch you were used to. (This can also be made with fresh eggplant, but leftover grilled eggplant just adds another layer of smoke.)
Wow, very creative and impressive. Have to think about it though.
HEAVENS. This looks INCREDIBLE. I'm making them asap.
wow this looks amazing... ive gotta try this! that egg sammich looks yum!!
Drool...I have to try this asap. I miss bacon.
wow.. what a creative eggplant recipe!!!
Never heard of doing this to eggplant before. Neat!
real cool!
can you cook mushrooms!?
Oooo, this is different. This looks better than bacon!!!
Very innovative!!! I might have to try it :)
It sounds good, will have to try it. Im actually not a big bacon fan, but I do love my eggplant.
I tried it and it was awesome! The second time I tried it I used bacon salt (vegan salt that tastes like bacon) and that just really did it for me. I am hooked!
I saw a version of this on the PPK awhile back and I meant to try it. I did try the shitake bacon and that was awesome. I must give this a try...and then use it to top a tofu egg on a biscuit.
Wow! sounds yummie! I'll have to try these. I just came across your blog today.. love your blog name :)
I found you site this week and every recipe I read sounds fabulous. I'll be trying many of them.
Thanks for sharing so much.
Hi I just noticed your site. Thanks. It will come in very handy for me because I am always looking for new and entriguing ways to eat vegetarian. I love eggplant and will be trying this during the holidays. Thanks much
Instead of frying can you sprinkle with oil and bake (or broil)?
Does olive oil completely drown out the bacon taste?
That's so great, I've been a vegetarian for a very long time now, but I never found anything to replace bacon with, so I had to do without it, now I have my own alternative. Thanks!
Sounds yummy! I will definitely try this.
This looks like a great idea. Ever since going vegetarian... I've missed bacon. However, I love eggplant, and this seems like it'd be wonderful!
Great idea, eggplant as bacon.
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