
I did it. Yeah! I wanted to finish in under 3.5 hours, and I did. My official time was 3 hours and 24 minutes. The wind was brutal on the day of the race. It blew me off course during the swim, and it made the bike very tough. I was so happy when I got to the run that I smiled the whole 6.4 miles. I could not have done it without my training partner Kelly, the support of my wife, and the encouragement of my family. Thanks y'all. Next up....a full marathon.
Good luck!!!
Everyone who knows me knows how proud I am of my family. Occasionally, someone does something that makes me almost burst with pride. After years of my own on-again, off-again physical training and exercise, to witness one of my sons commit to and complete a triathlon is wonderful. I know how much hard work and commitment it took. While I have worked out swimming, biking and running for many years, I've never been able to get it all together and compete in a triathlon. I hope he has inspired all of us to take better care of ourselves through what we eat and our commitment to keeping our bodies exercised and in condition. I once had a church mentor of mine say that there should have been an 11th commandment from God, "Thou shall keep your body in shape". Anyone who has ever been in shape knows how much better you feel and how much clearer you think. Congratulations TCV on your accomplishments and for not being quite as chubby as you once were. Keep up the good work and great food.
Big Graham, (TCV's Dad)
Nice work JB! I can't wait to talk to you about it. Here is my question, a day after the race: would you do another one? If yes, you are hooked...watch out, Amy, he is going to want to buy a Tri-skinsuit!!
Love You guys--
how'd your first the memphis tri go? would you be interested in contributing a review of your race on Racevine? We're like a "Yelp for races".
check it out here (and be the first to review!): http://www.racevine.com/events/millington-tn/memphis-in-may-triathlon
Gregory Lou
Co-Founder - Racevine, LLC
"I heard it through the Racevine"
Right on Big Graham. Our bodies are a gift and we should take care of them, exercise them, and give them good vegetarian food. ;)
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