The new cookbook will be released November 1, and we have some fun times planned this fall so we can all celebrate together. If you'd like to get a signed copy from us in Memphis, here are some event details:
Book signing at the Memphis Food and Wine Festival, Memphis Botanic Garden, Saturday, October 15, 6-10 p.m.
Book signing at The Booksellers of Laurelwood, Thursday, October 27, 6:30 p.m. This is the first public event for the cookbook's release, and it's nice that it's ahead of the 'real' book release date. The folks at Booksellers were so good to us when our first book hit the shelves in 2013, and we're thrilled to be invited back. We hope to see y'all there!
Book release party at The Second Line, Sunday, November 6, 5:00-7:30 p.m. Stop by and see what the inimitable Chef Kelly English has planned for all of us -- you just might get to sample our TCV Debris Po Boy, which he's had on the menu for a while now, and lately, he's been talking about fixing some BYA Broccoli (in lieu of the usual BYA Shrimp!).

Some other possible food truck, farmers market, store appearance, and cooking class opportunities are in the works throughout the holiday season; we can't wait to let you know what else is coming up on the calendar!
You may pre-order our book from any fine book retailer. It really helps authors like us for you to do that. It's especially helpful if you go into your local bookseller and ask for our title by name. The store will then stock the book and we'll get to let more people know about our particular brand of vegetable-driven cuisine.
Preorder from: Powell's, Booksellers of Laurelwood, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Hudson Booksellers, Books-A-Million, Parnassus, or your local bookstore.
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